Slope 3D
Grenade Hit Stickman
Grenade Hit Stickman

Grenade Hit Stickman

Grenade Hit Stickman is an action-packed and adrenaline-pumping mobile game that combines stickman characters with explosive gameplay. Developed by a team of creative minds, this game offers players a thrilling experience where precision, strategy, and timing are essential to success.


In "Grenade Hit Stickman," players are tasked with the exciting mission of launching grenades at stickman targets scattered across various levels. The gameplay revolves around the following key elements:

Aim and Throw: Players control the angle and force with which they throw grenades to hit specific stickman targets. Achieving accurate throws is crucial to progress through the game.

Physics-Based Puzzles: The game incorporates realistic physics, which means that players must factor in gravity, bounce, and object interactions when planning their throws. This adds an element of strategy and problem-solving to the gameplay.

Diverse Environments: "Grenade Hit Stickman" offers a variety of environments for players to explore and conquer. From urban settings to outdoor landscapes, each level presents unique challenges and obstacles.

Obstacles and Challenges: As players advance through the game, they encounter increasingly complex levels with various obstacles and challenges. These obstacles may include barriers, moving platforms, and even wind conditions that affect grenade trajectory.

Limited Resources: To add an extra layer of difficulty, players are typically given a limited number of grenades to complete each level. Efficient use of resources becomes vital to success.

Key Features:

Visually Engaging: The game boasts a minimalist stickman art style with vibrant and contrasting colors that make it visually engaging. The stickman characters and environments are simple yet effective.

Progressive Difficulty: As players advance through the game, the levels become progressively more challenging, requiring a higher degree of precision and skill.

Leaderboards and Achievements: "Grenade Hit Stickman" often includes leaderboards and achievement systems, encouraging players to compete with friends and the global gaming community for the highest scores and completion achievements.

In-Game Power-ups: To help players overcome particularly tricky levels, the game may offer power-ups or bonus items, such as additional grenades or enhanced throwing abilities.


Grenade Hit Stickman offers an exciting and fast-paced gaming experience that combines precision with physics-based challenges. Whether you're a casual gamer looking for a quick dose of fun or a competitive player aiming for high scores, this game provides an enjoyable way to test your aim and strategic thinking. With its engaging visuals and increasingly complex levels, it keeps players coming back for more explosive action and stickman mayhem.


Using Mouse and Keyboard

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